Ayahuma shamanic diet

Ayahuma shamanic diet

Ayahuma Couroupita guianensis

The Ayahuma Shamanic diet grows in tropical areas. Of Central and South America, especially in Peru, Panama, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Venezuela. A large tree that reaches 30 meters in height. Its leaves are large, alternate, and oblong, grouped at the apex of the branches. It has flowers of 2 to 3 centimeters in diameter, with oblong petals, yellowish-white in color. The fruit is a large, woody and heavy berry. Which is born from resistant branches that grow from the straight stem of the tree, yellow when fresh. It is used as a master plant in Ayahuma shamanic diet.

It is used as a master and medicinal plant, by the shaman’s healers in treatments with ayahuasca. Its fruits, placed behind the doors, act against spells and evil spirits. A common name, composed of the Quechua words (AYA) – dead- and (Huma) – head-, refers to the shape of the fruit.

Ayahuama Master Plant

The Ayahuma is a master plant used by the healing shamans of the Amazon. In the ceremonies and shamanic learning diets in Takinuna. Because the Ayahuma is a very important master plant for every shaman healer. Due to its great protective energetic power in the healing ceremonies. To keep a ceremony safe from evil spirits, and bad energies coming from sorcery or witchcraft,

For this reason for the healing shamans. The Ayahuma is a fundamental plant in the ayahuasca ceremonies. And it is always present making the call or invocation of the energy of the Ayahuma with songs (icaros). In that way the shaman curandero calls the energy of the plant to help in the healing ceremonies. Of the patient and find a speedy recovery from his illness.

The visions that it offers to shaman healers is always flourishing. To find a good result for their patients in treatment since the first. Thing that is seen in the visions is a beautiful flower. Which gives you detailed knowledge and information. On how to use the leaves the flowers and the fruit in the treatment of the patient.

Ayahuma shamanic diet

The Ayahuma diet should be carried out by an. Experienced healer shaman master, who guides you through the steps necessary for a good Ayahuma diet. It also requires knowledge or experience with ayahuasca. To facilitate the learning process is safe, and favorable, for the practitioner. And there is no confusion on the path of learning the diet master plant.

After preparing your body, mind, and spirit in the ayahuasca ceremonies. The master healer in the morning will show you the Ayahuma plant to diet. And continue to extract the bark of the plant to prepare the infusion that you will drink. To start your diet of Ayahuma.

And receive the knowledge and information from the master plant. Ayahuma is very powerful for the treatment of patients in ayahuasca ceremonies. As the main point is a powerful arcane (protection) in healing ceremonies.

Shamanic Recommendations

The healing shamans of the Takinuna Ayahuma diet. Explain that Ayahuma is a powerful doctor who, in conjunction with ayahuasca, the trip is impressive. Because it elevates you to a world of knowledge of medicine. Which you can use to heal the patient. , in body, mind, and spirit, for the good of all.

The Takinuna shamans always recommend that when dieting, a master plant. They always take into account the purpose of a healer. Always respecting the diet in a strong discipline, and strength in making this sacrifice for the good of all.

The Ayahuma diet must be undertaken after a preparatory phase with ayahuasca to prepare the body, mind, and spirit. Learning diets should always be approached with great care and respect because they pave the way to enlightenment and connection with the master spirits of medicine. These spirits will guide you to discover healing powers necessary for treating patients. Healing masters often recommend undergoing a cleansing process in at least 4 ayahuasca ceremonies before starting an Ayahuma diet. It is recommended to participate in:

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